January 4, 2022

An Interview with Luke Birkett

A little about Future Homes Design and Build

My company "Future Homes Design and Build" is a new company that I started up at the start of last year 2021 but the ambition was always there to start the company from the time I started my career in construction as an apprentice bricklayer as I had registered the company name in 2011 originally and then kept the entity ready until I was ready to start the company up at some point when I was ready to as I have now done.

The image that "Future Homes Design and Build" is trying to achieve is a full design and build house builder for both clients and as a self build developer, that core values for house building are to build stylish, mid-high end, eco friendly/net carbon zero homes where possible in line with the governments "Future Homes Standards" policy and initiative, that contain all of the latest technologies and products for a home, as well as constructing them using MMC (Modern Methods of Construction).

I use my role and position held as a member with the following professional chartered associations : CIOB, CABE, APM, CMI and being a committee member of the CIOB and CABE to give as much positive input into improving the systems, processes, standards that are currently within the industry and try to act a good role model to others from a similar background and storyline to how I got to where I am now with all of my dedication to training, qualifications and continuous self improvement.

I offer a very open, positive and supporting company environment that will listen to anyone's views, address any negative situations, support any good ideas that are brought to the table and reward hard work and dedication by employees.

At the start of last year, starting up in the middle of a Covid pandemic was not ideal or easy but my plan was just to even survive through last year and then start to build forward from that point into a positive future.

How did you get into the construction industry?

I left school knowing I needed to choose a career path that was practical because of my strengths for practical learning and weaknesses for academic learning as experienced throughout my school life due to me having mild dyslexia. I then thought the construction industry was a good industry to go into as it is a very practical hands on industry. I then decided out of all of the trades as this was the direct route that was available as I was not allegeable to do a degree route with my then current level of school qualifications, I choose to do bricklaying as I had the dream at that young age to one day build my own home with my own hands and I thought I would enjoy building homes for others.

What has the industry taught you?

The industry has multiple routes and career pathways for anyone from any background, if they are good academically or practically if the person is willing to learn and dedicate themselves to progressing. Construction can be a very interesting and fun industry to be a part of and to contribute too.

Did you have a mentor? What did you learn?

I unfortunately didn't have a mentor through my career and learning progression but you will get out what you put in with dedication and learning but you need to stay positive and persistent as there will be times it will be hard and you will want to give up.

What three things would you tell your younger self?

Make a long term plan and then focus on how you need to get there and follow each step towards it. Don't give up when times get hard in the job or process towards achieving the dream. Study, work hard and dedicate yourself all of the way and you will one day receive the benefits from these.

What can you see for the future of the building industry?

I think once the world economy resumes back to "business as usual" , the construction industry has exciting times ahead in the near future with all of the quickly evolving AI, Robotics, industry standards and technologies and net zero carbon building to be followed.  

An interview with Luke Birkett by CMI

Luke Birkett
Future Homes Design and Build
Future Homes Design and Build

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