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A Construction Guide to Eco-Certification
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A Construction Guide to Eco-Certification

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Every business wants to do their best for the environment however knowing where to start can cause many people to not pursue what they believe in. Climate change is bigger than any individual, it is essential that everyone plays their part in making an impact on Climate Change.

At EcoConstruct, we want to make it simple for new businesses to start playing their role by offering free resources and guidance for the construction industry. Getting a green business certification is one way to show and prove your business is environmentally and socially responsible!

To be awarded a green business certification you will have to adopt sustainable policies and practices that benefit the planet. The certifications are mainly issued by third-party organisations and there are quite a few out there…  some of the benefits of receiving the award are:

  • Instantly recognisable - grow your business and your brand with like-minded customers and suppliers.
  • Improve efficiency, reduce costs - it has clear standards that are developed by experts and backed with science
  • Manage business risk - by being aware of the damages a business can cause, you can ensure your business remains future proof
  • Support - many organisations provide support and guidance on how you can improve your business and become a certified eco-business

There are quite a number of green business certifications to choose from, you can use this as your starting point for beginning your business journey into the eco-world.


A starting point for any business in construction, Eco-Construct helps construction businesses enter the eco-world with important tips, guidance and support. Eco-Construct represents a network for UK construction companies to seek improvement for themselves and the planet. Being part of such a network will provide collaborative and networking opportunities to grow your business and be a leading business in the construction industry.

CO2nstruct Zero

CO2nstruct Zero is The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) response to meeting the Net Zero challenge for the construction industry. Successful Business Champions are announced, and their logo is displayed on the CLC website. Could you become a CO2nstruct Zero Business Champion? Find out more here. The CLC would very much welcome applications from SMEs.


UKGBC is part of the World Green Building Council network which is a global network of over 70 national Green Building Councils that aim in transforming the way we live, work, play, heal and learn.

The UKGBC is probably not for the typical construction business however if you are serious about growing and being a part of a network that is looking forward and looking after the planet the UKGBC is a great organisation.

BRE Group

One of the world's leading environmental assessment methods for buildings and now communities. BREEAM sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de-facto measure used to describe a building's environmental performance.

BREEM offer Environmental Profiles Certification Scheme, Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products, Green Guide Online and Green Book Live

SME Climate Hub

The SME Climate Hub is not construction focused however it brings 1000’s of businesses together to do their bit to cut carbon emissions, protect the planet and to take action against climate change.

And you can be part of it. Become one of the thousands of small business climate leaders across the UK this year and commit today.

Is green certification right for your business?

Applying for green certifications is really down to your business direction, the cost and your commitment to the organisation you are applying for. From the list above, they all have different requirements to join, some are free simple and free such as Eco-Construct and SME Climate Hub and others have cost attached like the UKGBC.

We see Eco-Construct as the beginning of a construction business journey into the Eco-World providing guidance and support on the next steps and where to start.

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A Construction Guide to Eco-Certification

Written by the team at:

Saint EcoConstruct

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