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How can a Virtual Assistant help my Construction Business?
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How can a Virtual Assistant help my Construction Business?

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Why a Virtual Assistant is perfect for Construction Businesses

All our VA's have experience within the construction industry, no matter the task we have someone on hand that can help your business.

The average employee is wasting between 50%-80% of their day on non-work related distractions. Time wasted is money wasted. We provide stress-free solutions, to not only keep the money in your pocket but to get the work done.

Virtual Assistants for the Construction Industry

Construction companies are a perfect fit to work with a Virtual Assistant (VA). The industry is very site-based and this means that the administration and management of your business can often get left behind. If you have systems in place but you have to take care of your work, what happens? Do they start to fall over, is everything dependant on you?

This is exactly what SaintVA do, we are the UK's No.1 Construction Virtual Assistants. We provide support to construction businesses helping you to be efficient and have a stress free life. We are passionate about supporting the construction industry and giving business owners control and stability to be able to achieve their goals. With over 35 years of experience in supporting the construction industry, there is not much we haven't seen!

Saint VA is your solution to peace of mind, clarity and a good night sleep! We take as much off your mind as we can and give you a team so you are not juggling everything at once. We understand that your time is valuable so start reclaiming your time and be set up with your very own virtual assistant in less than 24 hours.

SaintVA is completely virtual meaning we can work with your business no matter where you are based! Plus it means you can have access to your own team without having to pay for office space, equipment, employee costs such as training, sick pay, holiday pay for example.

What does a Trade Virtual Assistant do?

A VA is there to make your business life AND your personal life easier. Specialising within the construction industry makes perfect sense for us, with over 35 years of experience we can help provide that insight into your business and be that sounding board to ensure you are heading in the right direction. You get your own personal construction trade administrator, who can order a skip or put an O & M manual together, manage your work software and help your construction business overall organisation as well.

As a construction VA we can help with your project management to H&S documents, license applications such as CHAS, Constructionline, SafeContractor, CITB, Federation of Builders, NIC EIC etc. We also trained in the top softwares such as SimPro, NextMinute, Fonn, BuilderTrend, Commusoft, Tradify, ServiceM8 and many more. We also carry out the typical VA services such as email management, appointment scheduling, ordering of materials, employee management, travelling arrangements for example.

Can a Virtual Assistant help your construction business?

Definitely! We work with one-man bands to multimillion pound companies and SaintVA has been designed specifically to support your business. Every business comes to us at different stages of the journey and we have the solutions no matter what stage you are at - Even if you are paper based we can help you make the transition to the cloud.

Here’s the typical services we provide to construction businesses:

  • Office Admin
  • Managing Sales
  • PA & Lifestyle
  • Software Setup
  • Project Management
  • Team Organisation
  • Call Handling
  • Live-Chat Monitor

Take a look at our SaintVA Brochure for more information here.

This is what Saint VA solves for your business. When we first work with clients, we receive messages at 3 o’clock in the morning and we know exactly what they are going through. We are here to bring control to your business and a sense of relief that you can trust the work you give us is going to be completed.

Our best review we have got from a client is “that was the best night sleep I have had in ages”. There isn’t much more we can say about what we bring to businesses than that!

What size construction business can a Virtual Assistant help?

A Virtual Assistant can help businesses from start-ups to large organisations. A VA can help start-up companies as it is a cost-effective solution to have staff working alongside their business from the beginning to help with growth plus as we are construction specialists you can receive advice on the best steps to take. On the other hand, in a large organisation, we often take up a management role in supporting their team and ensuring everything is staying on track.

How does email management help?

Email management is one of them tasks that when you’re on-site, it is the last thing you want to be managing. Our VA’s will prioritise your inbox so you only see what’s important! Your VA will also provide daily business updates so you know exactly what is going on and make decisions on the go. If there are any important emails, your virtual assistant will let you know that your attention is needed.

How does call handling help?

We have found that nearly 70% of construction businesses calls don’t get answered… could you be losing 70% of your sales?

We understand that you could be in a middle of a job and can’t get to the phone however what about if you had the option to have your virtual assistant answer your calls in your company name in the way you want? Your clients will think we are part of your team and if it requires your attention we will transfer them through to you.

Employee vs Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant can be used in the same way as an employee just without the need for office space, holiday/sick pay, training and are very often a lot cheaper! An employee is said to experience 56 interruptions a day and spend 2 hours in total recovering from the interruptions. With a virtual assistant, you are only paying for the hours that are used to complete the tasks they are set out to do! A virtual assistant is the most cost-effective solution for your business.

What software can a Virtual Assistant work with?

Our VA’s have experience in a wide range of softwares from general emails providers like gmail, outlook etc or appointment schedulers like calendly or acuity to the more advance construction specific softwares such as SimPro, BuilderTrend, Fonn, NextMinute, Commusoft ServiceM8 or many more!

All our VA’s are software-focused and highly trained so it wouldn’t take them long to learn how to use something new and take the tasks off your hands!

How much do you pay a virtual assistant?

Our fees are based on a block of hours starting at 10 hours per month, the more hours you purchase the cheaper the per hour costs become. Feel free to message to see our latest prices.

Are Virtual Assistants expensive?

No, not really, we use time logs to provide you with evidence of our time spent working and then we log on average £60 a day on a firm turning over 1 -1.5 million. So when you think of that small daily investment and all the benefits of no holiday pay, no office and IT, no national insurance, no sick pay etc it does not work out expensive at all.

This is probably the quickest cost savers we implement when turning a company around financially as sometimes we have a director doing this daily admin duty which shows something is not quite and not the best use of their skills.

If we are generally charging say £60 a day on your business, what are the other office admins doing? We only charge for when we are active, so getting up for a break or making a coffee, they log out, they are only in use when they are working on your account, like turning a light switch on and off or PIR sensor.

Imagine if you could pay a tradesperson for only the time they were moving and actually working you would earn more, no travel etc, its the perfect time and motion survey result for your business.

So the SaintVA could take a 10 min call from the director at 10 am and then a 20 min call at 4 pm. It’s only the time they are activated that you get billed for, 30 mins, plus of course any action or instruction you just gave that's needed from the call. Why continue to struggle, manage or worse, control everything, that's where the stress comes from.

If you are in the trade, talk to Saint trade VA today.

Can Virtual Assistant fees be deducted?

Working with a Virtual Assistant for your business will be 100% deductible. The fees can be deducted against your profit reducing the amount of tax you have to pay.

Can you have a Virtual Assistant if you have staff already?

Of course, our VA's are more than happy to work with your current team, this can be an effective solution of having the best of both worlds ensuring an increase in productivity and efficiency.

Do the weekly costs level out?

Ok, when you start with a SaintVA we may spend a bit more time getting your files together and names of clients etc but once this is done you go into a maintenance mode and from then on it's pretty constant.

If you said you want a project done like obtain Safe Contractor or Construction Line or build a training matrix for HSE then this would of course give an increase while that project was ongoing and then go back down to the maintenance period after.

Are all your clients easy to handle?

Every business owner is different, every business is different. Some people are very kind natured and I would call it professional and their business just gets better when working with us, others are harder to work with, I am not sure if this is due to just such a chaotic work life that is construction.

At Saint, we are very calm so when chaos arrives you can see it. We call it the chaos theory. They join and come in hot and within a few weeks usually 4, they are much calmer, in much more control of their business and time management, is it our systems? probably but I also think it can be a bit lonely being a business owner sometimes... even if you are surrounded by different people and opinions. So it is nice to have someone who you work with.

Why choose us as your Virtual Assistant?

All our VA’s are ex trade, we can work like other VA’s out there and book your next Yoga lesson or arrange a collection of your dry cleaning but we are better serving you in our real skillset, being switched on and running construction software businesses for example which then reports to the financials.

  • We’re approachable – We understand that a Virtual Assistant might be new to you however our friendly team are always here to run over any questions you might have
  • UK’s first construction VA’s - We are good at what we do and we understand the industry. We are the UK’s number one construction support company
  • We’re experienced – With over 35 years of experience in the construction industry, you can feel reassured that you are working with the right team
  • We’re cost-effective – Not only can we save you money, but we also believe in offering excellent service at an excellent price.

Saint Financial Group's purpose is to give every business owner control of their business.

Control so you can create a better business for yourselves, a better life for your family and a team with peace of mind that everything is in hand.

What makes Saint different?

Easy to say, but we truly care about our clients, we scan as much as we can and if something does not look right then the owner will get a call. If our clients do well, we do well as they tend to move into our other services like cashflow forecasts or media so it's a win-win mentality for us at all times meaning we only win if our clients win and with that comes a level of care, protection and even a level of love that they simply would not get elsewhere.

One of our clients recently said:

“I am no longer rushing in and out of Plant Rooms. Although I am only with Saint for the VA services, I get a free Business Development manager so they called me and we had a chat and this helped me realise to focus on my roles more.

Simple things like having the discipline to stay on-site that little bit longer to survey deeper and get it right and then price it. I can relax knowing I don't have to rush around as I know that the back office is fully in sync and organised because of SaintVA. Meaning more accurate pricing, better planning and I am enjoying it again.

I have more belief in what I am doing and it’s just all making sense now. I realised I made a lot of my own problems by dealing with or getting interrupted by small stuff and really getting nothing done.

I am truly thankful for the support that everyone at Saint has done for me and my business”

Other Reviews Snippets

"SaintVA Saves Me Over £6000/Month For Office Staff."
"Once we hit 10 people I could no longer handle the admin work. I needed someone to help me manage my business and my projects..."
“I don't really know where I would have been without the team at SaintVA, you really get more than you pay for."

If you think a VA could be right for you, book a meeting with one of our specialist VA's who can't wait to speak to you!

Frequently asked questions

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How can a Virtual Assistant help my Construction Business?

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Saint Virtual Assistants

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