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How to Improve Ladder Safety in the Office Building Premises
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How to Improve Ladder Safety in the Office Building Premises

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Safety is paramount for construction sites that rely on both employees and the management's physical and hard work. Of course, as a construction firm, it is only ethical that you maintain a safe work environment for your workers and that they are kept injury-free. Aside from obvious moral reasons, unwarranted accidents are also associated with unwanted additional expenses.

When laborers and employees follow safety procedures and rules correctly, and everyone in the office building works together to avoid risk, you get to prevent property damage and accidents in the workplace. Thus, the fewer mishaps and accidents, the lesser the medical expenses, and the lesser the work disruption.

Halting the workflow and productivity of workers of your office building would mean additional efforts to hire worker alternatives or increase the workers' wages to cover for the injured employee. An unsafe worksite correlates to unwanted increased loads—financially and mentally.

Thus, like construction site managers or business owners, you could make a significant difference in this critical area by employing site safety in your office building. How does construction site management work?

How Should You Manage Construction Sites to Ensure Safety?

A construction project manager must acquire a wide range of skills and competencies to oversee the project. Working with the right person for the job ensures that tasks and construction planning are well-developed, efficient, and safe. The work environment and construction roadmap will become more straightforward and more peaceful. 

Most importantly, planning aids in predicting any accidents that one may encounter, thus, avoiding the mishap before it could even happen.

Moreover, a competent construction manager should develop functional connections with the various teams. It will reduce communication lags and blockades to guarantee that everything is in proper order. It also keeps the managers updated on anything a worker may have observed that could have harmed the construction site.

These are only two essential safety tips for managing a construction site. However, there is one type of safety that most managers overlook. It is ladder safety, which negligence to this results in the majority of construction site injuries.

6 Tips on Ladder Safety

You can see ladders on almost every construction site. Hence, it is only practical that they cause most construction site injuries. Here are some tips and tricks you and your team should know to improve ladder safety:

  1. Check your ladders for defects

Ladders, primarily used and battered ones, are bound to have defects. Thus, it is imperative to inspect them before using them. Examine the side rails for weaknesses and cracks, and report and rectify any issues as soon as possible.

It is also integral that you advise your team member to report every problem they observe to avoid the risk of another team member using the defective ladder. Failure to communicate such critical observations will not do anything well.

  1. Know your ladders

Every business has its own needs, even its ladder essentials. There are several types of fixed industrial ladders on the market to select from, each with specific features for specific functions.

For high-rise buildings with attached rooftops and docks, access ladders are standard. Similarly, buildings requiring ladders of more than 20 feet use cage ladders.

Cage and access ladders have different physical features to aid their specific purposes. Knowing how to use each particular ladder will avoid untoward ladder accidents because of wrong setups or preparations.

  1. Wipe away any dirt and grease from shoe soles and ladder steps

Before climbing, you must remove everything that might cause delays or accidents. Looking out for ladder faults is one thing. Slipping is a no-go when you are in elevated areas.

Be mindful to thoroughly clean the ladder and clothing of any slick or greasy substance. Inspect for any dirt, grease, or oil that may cause a bad slide. 

  1. Cancel high-elevation work during bad weather days

Sure, modern ladders and construction equipment already have upgraded materials, structure, and protection for workers. However, bad weather, such as rain, increases the risk of construction accidents by tenfold. It is better to be safe than sorry.

When working outside in bad weather, put off any ladder-related activities or any work that requires elevation for the time being. Climbing over 20 feet is extremely dangerous under the rain and wet steps. One accidental slip-up may cause a fatal fall leading to a severe fracture or death.

  1. Practice proper ascending and descending

Climbing up a ladder requires balance and calmness. Rattled nerves and improper foot placement will cause unprecedented slips or ladder shakes. Thus, when ascending or descending, practice caution and patience. Breathe to ease the nerves. Provide your workers with proper training on ladder best practices to help them safely do their work. 

Another piece of advice to give your workers is to keep their back from the ladder when moving up or down the ladder. Workers will feel more balanced and capable of doing their duties securely if they face the ladder and away from the frightening height. It also ensures that their hands are secured on the ladder railings for further safety.

  1. Use head protection gears and harnesses

Even the most experienced ladder climbers can still encounter accidents like serious slip-ups. At times of danger, it is best to use head protection gears such as high-standard helmets and strong harnesses to observe workplace safety and minimize serious injuries.

Helmets avoid the risk of severe accident consequences, such as skull fractures and permanent brain damage. Meanwhile, harnesses attached to a security rope or line remove the risk of falling.

Summing It Up

Upholding workers safety is critical, especially in a place full of hazardous equipment. It is crucial to integrate construction site safety and management for financial and ethical reasons. You can do this by planning and project implementation. Consistent communication between team members is essential.

Aside from this, it is also recommended to analyse the site for problem areas and secure the equipment properly. Removing hazards and training the workers well on safety is also integral. Most importantly, you need to take note of ladder safety, as ladder-related incidents are the most common.

This article encapsulates six tips and precautions to avoid ladder-related injuries. We guarantee that you and your employees are safe in every laddered step of your way by following these tips.

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How to Improve Ladder Safety in the Office Building Premises

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