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How to outsource my business calls and save meaningful time!
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How to outsource my business calls and save meaningful time!

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Is it time to outsource your business calls?

Outsourcing has never been more popular! 24% of small businesses outsource to increase the efficiency of their business and 31% of businesses began to outsource to improve customer service. 

Developing trust is key in any business relationship and leads you onto the road to success, but how can you develop a trusting relationship when you cannot answer the phone when they need you. Answering calls quickly will display your business as active and efficient, this also presents professionalism and sophistication. Customer loyalty is key in keeping a successful business running, hearing a happy and professional voice on the other end of the phone makes the client feel more invited into your business, this will cause fewer emails as they would be happier to make a quick phone call than write an email. This is a good hospitality tactic as it makes clients feel more comfortable and welcomed!

Here are some of the benefits -

  • 77% of owners use their personal number for business calls - Most VA's and Call Centres can provide you a professional number!
  • Calls are answered Quickly and Professionally!
  • No more missed phone calls!
  • No more wasting your time!
  • 70% of business don't state their business names when answering, we will do this for you!

Have you ever found yourself with 20 missed calls? 15 voicemails? 10 Angry texts saying call me back ASAP?

If you said yes to any of these then you have come to the right place.

Incoming phone calls can also be your first contact with a potential client and it does not look very good when you cannot reach the phone. It is not your fault you’re working on a job and you have no signal or you left your phone somewhere. Outsourcing your phone calls sounds great, but what you wish to know is ‘Is it cost-effective?”

You’re probably thinking you should hire a receptionist because they will always be in the office to answer the phone on time and professionally, WRONG! 59% of businesses use outsourcing to reduce their expenses, not increase them!

If you hire a receptionist there are many overheads you need to pay, this could be office space, training, wages, a phone line, utilities, and many more… 

You will be losing some of your time, which is very valuable. You will need to post the job out online, then wait for responses, next you will have to read through all the applicant's CVs, have meetings with potential candidates, possible training, etc. This all adds up to a lot of your time wasted. 

When you outsource your business calls to a Call Centre or a Virtual Assistant you skip all the headaches of hiring an employee. It’s a simple step to success. 

Speaking of wasting your time, when you outsource you will no longer be wasting time answering pointless phone calls, you will be able to project your focus back onto the other important aspects of your business and you no longer have to worry about unanswered phone calls. You can now focus on making your business bigger and better!


Why don’t you hop on a call today with one of our Virtual Assistants? Click here to get started.

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How to outsource my business calls and save meaningful time!

Written by the team at:

Saint Virtual Assistants

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