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Is NextMinute Right For Your Construction Business? | Saint Review
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Is NextMinute Right For Your Construction Business? | Saint Review

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Is NextMinute Right For Your Construction Business? | Saint Review

What if we said to you that from your phone, tablet, or computer, you can manage your business from anywhere, at any time. Stay engaged and informed on the work that needs to be done in real time to ensure that nothing falls through the gaps.

Sounds too good to be true? WRONG!

Introducing NextMinute, a software that has changed the way construction businesses can operate and for everyone in the industry. Many software companies often limit their target audience from specific trades, construction companies with huge projects or purely for the 1 man bands. NextMinute ticks the boxes for pretty much all types of construction businesses. 

What Can NextMinute Do For You?

Most of your working day is spent juggling jobs, assigning work, managing time, emailing quotations back and forth between clients, contractors, managing the team, tracking your profit and suppliers! NextMinute makes your work life easier by providing you with a simple system giving you clarity of your day to day tasks and prioritising what needs to be done!

NextMinutes main feature is Job Management, you can put your paper piles from the van, whiteboards and misplaced documents behind you! NextMinute allows you to keep track of your jobs and their progress; you can allocate labour and materials to each job (and task if you want to) so you can easily see if you are losing money, if you spend too long on something or what great profit you are making on the different phases of the job! A lot of people thrive off of this because it gives them a real visual of where their business is going, most people go into a job “blind”, no budgets in place for jobs and tracking no costs at all and wonder why they are not making a profit on a job. NextMinute gives you this information.

In addition, NextMinute will organise your accounts with individual job storage for photos, site drawings, contracts etc thanks to NextMinute's storage system. You are also able to produce invoices from inside NextMinute and have this connected to your accounting system such as Xero. Digital invoices bring a level of professionalism and convenience to your business.

Why Is Software Important for Cost Tracking?

A lot of money is lost due to poor cost tracking so within each job you will be able to track the materials and labour so you know exactly what you are spending. NextMinute has a feature where it pulls the expenses within your business from Xero so you can allocate these expenses in minutes instead of hours. 

To further complete the software, you will also have a “Timesheets” element to help with the tracking of labour. Your staff can download the NextMinute app and enter their timesheets directly into their phones from the job site because it's so simple to use. No more chasing your employees to turn in their timesheets. You can also make sure when they log their timesheet they have to select the site and the task they are working on so you can have even more accurate costing on your project. It has been designed by trade for trade!

Why Is NextMinute Different From Other Softwares?

Softwares are either operationally based or financially based, NextMinute does both! Their invoicing system helps your Invoices to be as accurate as possible and delivered swiftly. Your invoices are pre-populated and ready to be reviewed and delivered because all of your information is in one location. They also have a 2 way sync with your Xero accounting software which eliminates double entry and human error. Invoicing should be easy and digital. There's no excuse for not getting paid on time if you have a tight, clean, and correct invoice that reduces client concerns and quibbles, which is where they step in.

NextMinute has a job costing feature, for your fixed-price jobs, you may track your originally stated costs vs. actual costs section by section (stage by stage) to help keep on track and assure profitability... in real time! Tasks can be "assigned" to your team for them to work on and timesheets can be added to them, plus you can plan out the tasks in the Job Planning tool. You can run a Back-costing report to get a summary or thorough snapshot of your back costing for one or more jobs.

Is NextMinute right for you? 

Most likely! NextMinute is aimed towards anyone in the construction industry, most of the NM team is from the industry and they saw what was needed to help the industry thrive. Our advice is to not stay in the old ways, the world and the industry is changing and advancing quickly and it is hard to keep up sometimes however it is so important to stay at the forefront of the industry. 

We understand change is hard, small planned adjustments help make the big changes easier. NextMinute have created this system, not to scare you into change but to help you. Help you thrive at what you do best so you are not constantly doing paperwork in the evenings, planning next week's jobs on a Sunday night or having no clue if you have made a profit on a job.

NextMinute offers a FREE 14 day trial so go have a look for yourself and see what you think! The NextMinute team is great and will support you throughout your journey, as always if you need any additional support from the SaintVA team, who can handle everything from the initial swap over of information from your current process, the day to day management of it all and work with you so you learn as well, at your own pace.

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Is NextMinute Right For Your Construction Business? | Saint Review

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